Sunday, 20 March 2011

Spiritual Thought Sunday: Free Printable

This week was a hard one personally. I felt very homesick, in particular to be around english speaking people... and I found myself wondering where the future is going to take me. Life has already taken me on a roller coaster ride just in the 24 years I have been living it, so who knows where I will be in 5, 10, 15 years. This quote helped me today because I can't control the future and in my particular situation there is only so much of the here and now I can control. I do however have a dream. Sometimes it gets me down that others don't understand my dreams, or why they are important to me... but I shouldn't be suprised really because they can't see what I see or feel what I feel. A dream is personal. A dream in unique to each and every one of us. My dreams will lead me somwhere different to everyone else I know, but they will lead me to a place which is right for me.I have a dream of the things I would like from the future. I have a dream with my Husband of the hopes and goals we have together. I know that I can work with him to make those dreams come true, and that no matter what twists or turns may be ahead of which we don't know about, our dreams are still our own and no one can take them away from us. Changes in my life will always happen, but only I can change my dreams. I also know that if I work hard enough I can make those dreams come true.

(As always, please feel free to use this free printable. I love to share! If you use it on a blog please give proper credit back to Humble Homemaking. Thanks! :)

Have a wonderful Sunday.



  1. This is so cute!!! Thank you so much for this cute idea! Wonderful for my stepdaughter!

  2. I remember when I was studying in the States and I was all alone I felt so lonely and homesick. But then again I was trying to think positively and cheer up myself. I know life is hard sometimes but as they say when the going gets tough, the tough get going right?

  3. What a nice thought to share. Thanks.

  4. I know what you mean. Living in the US, so far away from my family back home in Norway, I too go through periods of homesickness. It is at its worst during hollidays when I know my family gets together and spends time with eachother. My husbands family here doesn't do that very much. I also miss it for my daughters as I am the only one who speaks Norwegian with them and it hurts me in my hearth that they are not speaking it to me.
    I know that in a year or so we will move back to Norway and that helps. Till then all I can do is dream.

  5. Thanks for sharing this printable with us. Hope your week gets better! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

  6. I'm sorry you are homesick! For me it's all about family. I can't imagine being away from mine. I am new to the blogging world, but I am having a great time writing about my 12 children and all the crazy things they do. If you want to share my family, stop by at
    Leave me a comment so I know you were there.

  7. So cute!

  8. Haven't heard from you in a while. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.

  9. I lived in Germany for 9 months with my fiance and I often had bouts of homesickness. Stop by my blog and maybe you'll feel a little at ease. 'Home is where your heart is' and far away loved ones are only a plane ride away =)

    Kym @

  10. Thank you for the sweet printable!
    Do believe in your dreams, because dreams do come true!
    Everything starts with a dream, a wish your heart makes!
    I wish you joy!
    Sweet dreams, Linda @ Grandmalay's Daydreams

  11. I'm appreciate your writing skill. Please keep on working hard. Thanks

  12. <a href="

  13. <a href="


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